I started writing back in 06 when a friend introduced me to the form and suggested i start. I've always had a very cursive text and found the manipulation and stylization of letters easy as i began the progress within my style. I started doing pieces in the later months of 07, which evntually led on to mural works and designs. In 08 I quit writing, at the stage i was reaccessing my life and therefore the point of graffiti and the culture. but i was never more than 2 meters away from a piece, constantly travelling the lines up and down the city. During 08 an art teacher of mine ignited the passion once again, showing more corridors for the form and inspiring me with his knowledge and inthusiasm. If Iv'e got anyone to thank its him. All I know it's gonna be hard for me to put the sketch pad down again. Peace.
nice nailpolish